Xilinx Computer Hardware EDK 92I User Manual

Getting Started with EDK  
This document introduces the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK). It contains the  
EDK Contents  
Xilinx distributes EDK as a single, media-installable DVD image.  
The components of EDK are:  
Hardware IP for the Xilinx embedded processors and their peripherals  
Drivers, Libraries, and a MicroKernel for Embedded Software Development  
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) tools  
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Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Development Boards  
Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGAS  
Xilinx Spartan-3A DSP  
Xilinx Virtex™/E FPGAs (XCV50 or larger devices)  
Xilinx Virtex-II FPGAs (XC2V250 or larger devices)  
Xilinx Virtex-4 LX, FX, and SX FPGAs  
Xilinx Virtex-5 LX, LXT, and SXT FPGAs  
EDK also supports designing MicroBlaze and PowerPC embedded processor systems for  
the following:  
Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGAs  
Xilinx Virtex-4 FX FPGAs  
Development Boards  
Development boards are available from Xilinx and Xilinx partners. Xilinx boards that are  
currently available include:  
Xilinx ML401  
Xilinx ML402  
Xilinx ML403  
Xilinx ML405  
Xilinx ML410  
Xilinx ML501  
Xilinx ML505  
Xilinx ML506  
Xilinx Spartan-3 Starter Kit  
Xilinx Spartan-3E Starter Board  
Xilinx Spartan-3E 1600E MicroBlaze Development Board  
Xilinx/Lyntech Spartan-3A DSP 3400  
Xilinx Spartan-3A Starter Kit  
Xilinx Spartan-3AN Starter Kit  
Xilinx AFX Board  
Contact your local Avnet, Memec, Nu Horizons or other authorized distributor to obtain  
any partner board.  
Installation on Windows  
This section summarizes the EDK installation process on the Windows platform.  
You must have a software registration ID to install EDK. You can get one online at  
provide software product information (including product ID). Xilinx will email the  
software registration ID to the address you provided during login.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Installing EDK  
You must use an Administrator login when installing EDK on a Windows Platform. Xilinx  
also recommends using an Administrator login when running EDK on Windows.  
To install EDK on your Windows PC:  
1. Insert the EDK Installation DVD into your PC. The installer opens automatically.  
If the installation process does not start on its own, open Windows Explorer and  
double-click setup.exeon the DVD.  
The installation process prompts you to enter the registration ID.  
2. Once you have entered the registration ID, continue to install the product.  
Note: If the environment variable XILINX_EDKis set, the default directory for installation is the  
value of the variable %XILINX_EDK%. Otherwise, the default EDK installation directory is c:\EDK.  
You can change this to any other directory.  
Note: The destination directory name cannot contain spaces.  
Environment Variables  
The EDK installer creates or modifies the following variables on your machine. These  
variables are added to the system settings.  
Sets the value of this variable to the EDK installation directory.  
Prefixes the PATH environment variable with %XILINX_EDK%\bin\nt.  
EDK tools require the Cygwin tools distributed by Red Hat. A copy of these tools is  
distributed with the EDK installation. When you run XPS, the SDK IDE, or Xilinx Shell,  
your registry is checked for the entry:  
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin.  
If a compatible version of Cygwin is found pre-installed on your machine, the EDK tools  
use it. Otherwise, the registry is set up to point to the Cygwin tools distributed in the EDK  
installation area.  
Note: When you install EDK, Cygwin installation files are copied to your system. Whether or not the  
copied files are installed depends on the state of existing Cygwin installations on the machine. If you  
already have Cygwin installed, and if the existing Cygwin installation meets requirements, EDK does  
not install Cygwin (and the existing Cygwin installation is used). Otherwise, EDK installs Cygwin from  
the installation area. For more information, refer to the “EDK Shell” Chapter in the Embedded System  
Tools Reference Manual, available at http://www.xilinx.com/ise/embedded/edk_docs.htm.  
Network Installation  
To install EDK for access on a network, perform the following steps.  
1. Install the EDK software tools on a PC network server.  
Make sure that your users know the location of the software tools and have access to  
the installation directory, and that they have administrator privileges for the following  
2. From the local client machine, browse to the following directory:  
network_install_location\bin\ntand run setXenv.bat. Running this  
program sets up the environment and registry settings needed to run the Xilinx tools  
from the remote location.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Installation on Solaris  
3. Map a network drive to:  
4. Run setXenv.bat, in mount_point:\bin\nt.  
Installation on Solaris  
This section summarizes the EDK installation process on the Solaris platform.  
You must have a software registration ID to install EDK. You can get one online at  
log in and provide software product information (including product ID). Xilinx will email  
the software registration ID to the address you provided during login.  
Installing Xilinx EDK  
To install EDK on your Solaris machine, perform the following steps.  
1. Insert the DVD in your Solaris machine.  
2. Change the directory to the DVD home.  
3. Run setupto install EDK.  
The installer prompts you for the registration ID that you obtained from the web site  
indicated above.  
Note: If the variable $XILINX_EDKis set, its value is used as the default directory for  
installation. If the value of the variable is not set, the default directory for installation is  
$HOME/EDK. You can change the destination directory during installation.  
Environment Variables  
The EDK installer creates settings.cshand settings.shfiles in the installation  
directory. These files set up the environment for using the EDK tools.  
Sets the value of this variable to the EDK installation directory.  
Prefixes the $PATHenvironment variable with:  
- $XILINX_EDK/gnu/microblaze/sol/bin  
- $XILINX_EDK/gnu/powerpc-eabi/sol/bin  
Prefixes the $LD_LIBRARY environment variable with:  
- $XILINX_EDK/bin/sol  
Note: While executing the script, make sure that the $XILINX_EDK/bin/solappears before  
$XILINX/bin/solin the $LD_LIBRARY_PATHvariable.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Installation on Linux  
This section summarizes the EDK installation process on the Linux platform.  
You must have a software registration ID to install EDK. You can get one online at  
log in and provide software product information (including product ID). Xilinx will email  
the software registration ID to the address you provided during login.  
Installing Xilinx EDK  
To install EDK on your Linux machine, perform the following steps.  
1. Insert the DVD in your Linux machine.  
2. Change the directory to the DVD home.  
3. Run setupto install EDK.  
The installer prompts for the Registration ID that you obtained from the web site  
indicated above.  
Note: If the variable $XILINX_EDKis set, its value is used as the default directory for  
installation. If the value of the variable is not set, the default directory for installation is  
$HOME/EDK.You can change the destination directory during installation.  
Environment Variables  
EDK installer creates settings.cshand settings.shfiles in the EDK installation  
directory. These files set up the environment for using the EDK tools.  
Sets the value of this variable to the installation direction.  
Prefixes the $PATHenvironment variable with:  
- $XILINX_EDK/bin/lin  
- $XILINX_EDK/gnu/microblaze/lin/bin  
- $XILINX_EDK/gnu/powerpc-eabi/lin/bin/  
Prefixes the $LD_LIBRARYenvironment variable with  
Note: While executing the script, make sure that the $XILINX_EDK/bin/linappears before  
$XILINX/bin/linin the $LD_LIBRARY_PATHvariable.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Third Party Tools  
Third Party Tools  
EDK is designed to work with some third party tools that you can separately obtain and set  
up. This section provides some information on these tools.  
IBM CoreConnect Toolkit  
EDK is designed to integrate seamlessly with the IBM CoreConnect™ Toolkit. This toolkit  
is not included with EDK, but is required if bus functional simulation is desired.  
The toolkit provides a number of features that enhance design productivity. To obtain the  
toolkit, you must have a license for the IBM CoreConnect Bus Architecture. Licensing  
CoreConnect provides access to a wealth of documentation, Bus Functional Models,  
Hardware IP, and the CoreConnect Toolkit.  
Xilinx provides a Web-based licensing mechanism that allows you to obtain the  
CoreConnect Toolkit from the Xilinx website. You can license CoreConnect online at  
Once the request is approved (typically within 24 hours), you will receive an email  
granting access to the protected web site. You can then download the toolkit.  
You can also get the CoreConnect license directly from IBM.  
For further documentation on the CoreConnect Bus Architecture, refer to the IBM  
Installation Directory Structure  
The installed image of EDK is organized into the following directories, where  
<edk_install_dir>is the location of the root of the EDK image.  
Table 1: EDK Directories  
This directory is the EDK installation root directory.  
This directory contains the embedded system tools  
application executables.  
The EDK installer has already set up your environment  
variables to include the executables of the embedded system  
tools that reside in the bindirectory.  
This directory contains board description files.  
The boardsdirectory provides board files for Xilinx boards,  
which are required by the Base System Builder for creating  
embedded systems. Board files for partner boards must be  
obtained directly from the partners.  
This directory contains the Cygwin portability layer  
(available only on Windows platforms).  
This directory contains the EDK documentation.  
All EDK-related documentation resides in the doc directory.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Table 1: EDK Directories (Continued)  
This directory has default option files required by ISE tools.  
This directory contains files for the XPS Software  
Development Kit (Eclipse-based). Available only on  
Windows and Linux platforms.  
This directory contains sample projects.  
This directory contains the EST GNU Tools.  
This directory contains MicroBlaze processor and peripheral  
hardware components.  
The hw/directory contains the HDL sources for the  
hardware IP.  
This directory contains Java Runtime 1.4.2 required by SDK.  
This directory contains drivers, BSPs, and software services.  
The sw directory contains the drivers required by the IP  
installed in the hw directory, the board support packages. It  
also contains the source for various modules of the Xilinx  
MicroKernel, such as the Networking library and the file  
system. Software libraries and initialization files are also  
contained in the sw directory.  
This directory contains the IBM Instruction Set Simulator.  
Where to Find EDK Documentation  
Use index.htm to Find EDK Documentation  
A comprehensive set of links to EDK-related documents are provided in your EDK  
installation directory at $XILINX_EDK/doc/usenglish/index.htm.  
EDK Documentation on the Web  
You can find most EDK documentation on the Xilinx web. Look under the heading  
“Documentation” at:  
In addition to providing links to the documents listed below, this web page provides links  
to application notes, reference designs, design examples, and a product brief.  
The EDK Documentation Set  
The EDK documentation set includes:  
Getting Started with EDK  
Tools documentation and Processor IP Reference Guides  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Processor Reference Guides  
Online help for XPS and SDK.  
Note: The Processor IP Reference Guide (Xilinx Processor IP Library) and the Driver Reference  
Guide are available only from the $XILINX_EDK/doc/usenglishfolder. The SDK Online  
Help is published only in the SDK GUI.  
Getting Started with Xilinx EDK (this document)  
Getting Started Guide with EDK (this document) provides the following:  
Description of all the required steps for installation on various platforms.  
Description of the third party tools that can be used along with Xilinx EDK to increase  
Information about the documentation available in EDK.  
Information with which you should be familiar before using EDK.  
User Guides  
EDK Profiling User Guide  
The EDK Profiling User Guide provides information about profiling software running on  
embedded systems built with EDK. Profiling is software-intrusive and is based on the  
GNU gprof tool. This document details how profiling works, how to set up the hardware  
and software systems to perform profiling, and how to view the resulting profile data.  
EDK Concepts, Tools, and Techniques  
The EDK Concepts, Tools, and Techniques book gives you a hands-on tour of the product.  
Each section describes an aspect of embedded design creation and provides an  
opportunity for you to take a “Test Drive” using XPS tools.  
Tools and IP References  
EDK provides reference guides that cover the basic usage of the various tools it provides.  
Tools Reference Manuals  
Embedded System Tools Reference Manual  
This manual provides detailed information about all the tools available in the EDK  
suite, including XPS, Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD), Libgen, Simgen,  
Platgen, GNU compiler (GCC) and debuggers.  
IBM PowerPC ISS Reference Guide  
EDK provides a third party tool for simulation of PowerPC™ systems. The  
documentation for this is included in a separate guide, the IBM PowerPC ISS Reference  
Libraries and Drivers Reference Documents  
OS and Libraries Document Collection  
This set of documents details all the information about the libraries shipped as a part  
of EDK. It details the API and is required for customers who intend to use the provided  
libraries. The document collection includes a Standalone Board Support Package (BSP)  
document and an introduction to driver documentation.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Driver Reference Guide  
This guide provides detailed API and other information for each driver provided in  
the EDK installation. The guide is presented as a web page with links to a set of web-  
based documentation.  
IP Reference Guides  
Processor IP Reference Guide (Xilinx Processor IP Library)  
Processor IP is an important part of the EDK distribution. Its documentation consists  
of individual datasheets with important information about parameters and port  
connections for each IP. This information is required by hardware designers for  
designing their system. For systems created through the Base System Builder, some of  
the basic connections are done by a wizard, but for advanced connections and other  
peripherals, refer to the Processor IP Reference Guide.  
This guide also provides easy access to the core data-sheet, modification history,  
architecture support information and ready access to purchase information for pay  
cores. It is presented as a web page with links to a set of web-based documentation.  
PLB46 Interface Simplifications (SP026 v1.0)  
Describes the simplifications to the PLB v4.6 specification in the Xilinx implementation  
of the bus. The document also provides guidance for designing masters and slaves that  
connect to the bus.  
PLB v3.4 and OPB to PLB v4.6 System and Core Migration User Guide (UB443 v1.0)  
This user guide provides an overview of the Xilinx implementation of the PLB v4.6  
bus. It then explains how both Microblaze and PowerPC405 systems can be migrated  
to use the new interconnect. Instructions are also provided on how to migrate user-  
designed slave and master peripheral cores.  
Processor References  
PowerPC Processor  
PowerPC Processor Reference Guide  
This document is intended to serve as a stand-alone reference for application and  
system programmers of the PowerPC 405D5 processor. This document also contains  
the API and the instruction set architecture of PowerPC405.  
PowerPC 405 Processor Block Reference Guide  
This manual details the Xilinx implementation of the PowerPC processor. It is targeted  
to hardware and system designers.  
PowerPC 405 Processor ISA Extensions for Virtex-4 FPGAs  
This is addendum documentation listing the new instructions provided for the Fabric  
Co-processor Module interface in Virtex-4 FX FPGAs.  
MicroBlaze Processor  
MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide  
This document is intended to serve as a stand-alone reference for application and  
system programmers of the MicroBlaze processor. The detailed ISA and the ABI for the  
MicroBlaze processor are also described in this document.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
Other Information  
XPS and SDK Online Help  
Online help is available from the XPS and SDK GUIs.  
Other Information  
Migrating Old Projects  
The IP Core Version Management Wizard migrates older projects to the current version of  
XPS. It will point out changes to the cores, and in some cases, help you upgrade to newer  
revisions of cores currently in your project.  
Example User Constraint Files (UCFs)  
There are some IPs, such as the PLB RapidIO LVDS and the OPB PCI, which need certain  
example UCFs to be available in your project area. When such IPs are used in an EDK  
project, tools give out the following ALERT message:  
An example UCF is available for this core and must be modified for use  
in the system. Please refer to the EDK Getting Started guide for the  
location of this file.  
The UCF file for the IP can be found at:  
where $XILINX_EDK is the installation area.  
Setting Up the Simulation Environment  
For simulation of embedded designs, you must set up your simulation environment. This  
is required every time you install a new release or a service pack of EDK. For information  
about setting up simulation environments, refer to the XPS Help.  
Third Party Tool Requirements  
EDK tools support ModelSim PE/SE & NCSim LDV/IUS versions as supported by ISE 9.2i  
tools. The verification of EDK tools and processor IP is done using:  
Modelsim SE/PE 6.1e  
NCSim IUS 5.8 or later (NCSim 5.8 is not available on Windows)  
Using EDK with ChipScope Pro  
EDK enables hardware designers to create processor systems rapidly using the  
Chipscope™ Pro CoreConnect Bus Analyzer cores and the Virtual IO (VIO) core. EDK  
supports the following ChipScope Pro cores:  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  
To instantiate these cores in an EDK design, you must have a valid ChipScope Pro  
Installation. A 60-day evaluation version of ChipScope Pro for Windows platforms is  
provided on the EDK DVD. After the evaluation period is over, you can continue to  
instantiate the ChipScope Cores and create designs, but to use the ChipScope Analyzer  
GUI after the evaluation period, you must obtain a full license of ChipScope Pro from  
Xilinx or Xilinx distributors.  
For more information, refer to http://www.xilinx.com/ise/optional_prod/cspro.htm.  
Getting Started with EDK  
EDK 9.2i  

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